Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Pennie Bixler has been happily married to Mike for 18 years. They have raised two children, her pride and joy - Aaron (16) and Bridgette (almost 15). Pennie is the founder and Executive Director of SAMmy’s, Inc., her passionate labor, (Strength Among Moms Ministry) and the Director of a SAMmy’s Chapter in Hudson, WI where she lives. ( She tells people that her salary triples every year, as she gets paid the same for all her duties, whether as an Executive Director, writing Bible study curriculum, mothering, or housekeeping. J However, she is very passionate about everything she does, doing it all for God’s glory. She also gets the opportunity to do some freelance writing and speaking at women’s events and conferences, which she enjoys immensely. She currently is taking evening theology courses and being continually amazed at how God constantly has made her life one complex, multi-faceted, beautiful story full of tears and laughter (and rarely anything in-between) that glorifies Him and profound insights that reveal themselves in the curriculum she writes and the stories He so graciously allows her to tell. All she asks is that God continue to use her – in health and sickness, sadness and happiness, in whatever circumstance…for His glory she exists.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January Newsletter

Meeting Date: Thursday, January 12, 2012

Theme: Hungry Hungry Hippos

Speaker Topic: Healthy Snacking

Speaker: Susan Krahn-Public Health Nutritionist
Creative Activity: Trail Mix

Food Theme: Salad Bar

Outreach Activity: Free Swimming, Tuesday 17th, 10AM

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A new season of MOPS has started, please join us the second Thursday of the month at Harvestime Church from 6:30-9:00. Your first time is free, childcare is provided for a small fee. Come and have a great time sharing a meal, listening to a speaker about being a mom and parenting, doing a creative activity and talking with other great moms that offer support and encouragement.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mom's Fair is only 4 days away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Join us for a great time and great shopping this Saturday from 10am-3pm at Harvestime Church! We have 30 vendors selling items and offering services related to moms and kids and about 20 people consigning childrens and/or maternity clothing! You don't want to miss out on this great event!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Tonight is the night! Join us at the Pizza Ranch for dinner! The MOPS Leadership teams (along with a few others) will be helping buss tables, service you, and generally help you enjoy your meal! All you have to do is come eat (bring a MOPS coupon), pay for your meal (with coupon), and put a tip in the tip jar! All of this benefits MOPS and helps us pay for some expenses throughout the year! If you are in need of a coupon, please let us know RIGHT AWAY!!!! We will receive NO profit if you do not have your coupon. Hope to see you there!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Join us for our January Outreach!

Hello all! Our January Outreach is a Playdate at Oakwood Mall! We hope you can join us this Saturday, January 29th from 9:30am-11am at the play area by Scheels. Feel free to bring your whole family!
Some will be staying for lunch afterwards so feel free to join them there as well! (MOPS is not providing lunch)

Remember to not let the little stuff get to you:
"Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for a man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." James 1:19-20

Monday, January 10, 2011

Join us for January 2011 MOPS!!!

Is one of your New Years Resolutions to get organized?? Then you will not want to miss this month's MOPS!!! Join us as we get inspiration from Nancy Rothwell-Professional Organizer and owner of Straighten-Up Organizing.

Our food will be "comfort food" (we are also looking for some more people to help bring some of the food-if you are interested please contact Michelle at or Kelli at

Our creative activity sure will be fun this month as we welcome back former MOPS mom and former Creative Activity Coordinate-Trish Anderson! She will be making some fun cards with us!

Remember to get any child care needs into Emily by this Wednesday!

Monday, December 6, 2010

A little story from "Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mother's Soul":

The Journey Begins
Most people return from Las Vegas with winnings or souvenirs. My wife came back with a baby.
After loading Gina's suitcase into our van at the airport, my wife handed me a small package. Thinking it would be a wonderful tacky souvenir, I ripped through the paper only to find myself face to face with a positive pregnancy test.
Now, my wife and I had been trying to have another baby for quite some time. So, when I saw the test, my first thought was "What the heck is this?" Not very poetic, unfortunately, but very much the truth. So, I immediately looked up to find my wife smiling.
"But how?" I mumbled, knowing exactly how but not when or where.
"I was sicker than you'll ever know in Vegas," Gina whispered, so as not to let on to our boys in the backseat. "So, my mom took me to a doctor. And, with all the other tests, they wanted to make sure I wasn't pregnant. But, I guess I am."
Another baby. A third boy? A first girl? A swarm of thoughts and feelings went through my skull and down into my arteries. I'm happy. I'm scared. And worried that I won't be a good enough dad. And proud of "big brother" Jeremy. And nervous that Gina and I will now be outnumbered. And sad for Matthew that he'll no longer be the baby. And hoping we'll be able to make them all feel special. And, most of all, so in awe of my wife who, once again, will show how a woman is a miracle, how she brings forth life and beauty and peace into a world so dearly in need of all three.
There aren't many things to top hearing that there's a baby on the way.
The journey begins...again.
Jim Warda